REACH Charter School | Denver, CO

Support Us

REACH depends on strong partnerships with families and with members of the business and philanthropic communities.

Please consider one or more of the following opportunities to invest in REACH.


In keeping with a core value of REACH—that “all means all”—we recommend that monetary and/or in-kind contributions be made as unrestricted gifts; however, donor designations are always honored.

Please donate online through Colorado Gives or direct your checks and/or credit card authorizations to Jade Toko, REACH Charter School, 940 Fillmore St., Denver, CO 80206.


Parents, guardians, community members, and other interested persons are encouraged to invest their time and talent in activities that assist the daily operations of our school and/or create events that provide enrichment opportunities for students.
• Serve as a Room Parent
• Serve as a classroom or office aide.
• Serve on the School Accountability Committee (SAC)
• Serve on other REACH school committees
• Develop an extra-curricular enrichment activity
• Join the REACH Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)
• Serve as the lead person for an activity sponsored by PTO (e.g., Fall Festival)

Please contact Jade Toko at or 720-668-9691 if you would like to share a particular talent or expertise.


REACH has an active Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) which raises funds to supplement the REACH operating budget through activities such as restaurant nights and grocery gift card rewards programs. Contact for information.


Foundations, not-for-profit organizations, and corporations have been, and continue to be, generous benefactors of REACH. Questions about becoming a Corporate or Foundation Partner should be directed to: Jason Marsh, Principal, at or 720-668-9691.